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Community is built, not on the WEAKNESSES, but on the STRENGTHS of its residents.

- Peter Block, Community

Family Time

To create an environment where all children are valued, healthy, and thriving.

Kids Running

Develop a Broomfield County integrated system of care that promotes the health and well-being of young children, their families, and their providers.

Mother and Child
  • Create community in all endeavors

  • Collaborate toward better outcomes

  • Integrity, Integrity, Integrity

  • Maintain professionalism in the work we do and in the image we portray

  • Solve community needs with creativity

What is the Broomfield Early Childhood Council?


The Broomfield Early Childhood Council began from local early childhood champions. The foundation continues to embrace the work of collaboration, building comprehensives systems of care to ensure that every child, family, and provider in Broomfield County is VALUED, HEALTHY, and THRIVING!


In 2007, the Colorado Legislation recognized the need for systems of early childhood to work together to minimize duplication, increase awareness, and maximize efficiency in programs and services. They created HB 07-1062, an act to identify the work of Councils. BECC started under the Broomfield Health and Human Services department, then moved to a fiscal host, Bal Swan Children's Center. From there, in 2015, the BECC became a non-profit 501c3 organization.


The Broomfield Early Childhood Council is the first stop for partnerships when a need is identified for the children of Broomfield County. Our community has a seamless early childhood system of care and education. The collaboration of providers elevates the entire county’s quality of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and dental health and wellness including physical activity and nutrition; parental support; and early childhood care and education for children. Every parent, provider, and resident has easily accessible and updated information on available resources, including programs provided within the City and County of Broomfield, parenting support and education, health and nutrition classes, medical home providers, and childcare information. The Broomfield Early Childhood Council is the catalyst for forming partnerships that create lasting solutions through the collection and use of current data to identify community needs for children. The Council creates so much value in the community, that prominent officials in local government, the business community, and the non-profit world see partnership with us as a necessity. At the end of day, ALL of the children in Broomfield County ARE valued, healthy and thriving.



Early Childhood Colorado Provides a Framework That:

  • Recognizes the needs of the whole child and family.

  • Communicates the vision for comprehensive early childhood work.

  • Focuses on specific measurable outcomes. Guides, organizes, and focuses the actions and accountability of public and private stakeholders.


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© 2020 Broomfield Early Childhood Council  |  303-903-9295 | PO Box 573  |  Broomfield, CO  |  80038  |

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