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Early Care & Learning

Support for ECE classes that can increase your credential


Cheerful Woman with Glasses

Training and funding to support your professional development and higher education.

Networking Event

Opportunities to connect with other licensed child care providers to build community.


Support to increase your quality rating and demonstrate your high quality program.

What is Early Care and Learning?

Early Care and learning are home based child care, child care centers, and preschools. The work is so important for many reasons, but particularly, the teachers and providers nurture a child's growth both physically and social/emotionally. These providers give care and support to children and serve as one of their earliest teachers. 


Grant opportunities

Professional Development Opportunities


Providing ongoing training opportunities to support your professional development


  • Learning more about becoming your own boss as a Family Child Care Home provider! Join us for an information session or a one on one overview. Email us here.


  • A scholarship for early childhood professionals a pathway to pursue higher education - T.E.A.C.H Scholarship!




Support your program moving into a Colorado Shines rating! Level 1 to Level 2-5!

The Preschool Development Grant will provide funds to increase your Colorado Shines rating from a Level 1 to Level 2-5! Funds to support purchasing early learning materials, quality improvement coaching and professional development! Contact us and get started today! Contact Jessica Jones



BECC's Professional Development - Scholarship Program

This program is funded by Buell for any child care provider seeking to increase their credentials, become Lead Teacher Qualified, or to build their skills in ECE! 


Directors Round Tables

Director's Round Table & Family Child Care Home Huddle

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Director's Roundtable (DRT):

DRT provides resources, education, networking opportunities and support to child care center and preschool Directors.


If you're a Broomfield Child Care Center or Preschool, please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 12:30 - 1:30pm, online. for more information.


Next meeting, May 14th, 12:30pm 



Family Child Care Home Huddle (Huddle):

The Huddle provides resources, education, networking opportunities provides support, training and building your capacity as a Family Home Child Care provider in Broomfield! for more information.


If you're a Broomfield childcare provider, please join us on the 2nd Monday of the month from 6:30-8pm.


Next meeting, 13th, 6:30pm at 6 Garden Center


Colorado Shines

Colorado Shines

Child care is recognized as a professional business that supports education, growth, family support, and health of young children.


Colorado Shines recognizes the licensed child care providers and preschools that have high quality environments and education practices with a rating of 1 - 5, 5 being the best.


Currently 72% of all licensed providers in Broomfield County are engaged in Colorado Shines! 


How does BECC help?

The Broomfield Early Childhood Council is proudly supporting state-wide efforts to improve the quality of child care for our young children. Through a federal grant, we distribute funding to enhance the quality of the child care environment; provide training and coaching on new rating system and one-on-one support to all licensed child care providers. Funding and coaching support is available to licensed child care facilities who meet the following criteria:

  • Achieved a level 2 or higher in Colorado Shines

  • Have an active or pending CCCAP fiscal agreement signed with the City and County of Broomfield, Health and Human Services, click here to contact them

  • Agree to maintain the Level 2 or higher rating

  • Commit to move Level 2 to a Level 3-5 rating within the next two years

Quality Improvement Coaching & Support

Teacher and Student Playing.webp

As a child care and early education professional, you are a child's teacher, their friend, and their guide for the most formative years.  Our Council has goals to help increase the quality of early learning and child care and promote partnership and collaboration to support and strengthen the Broomfield early learning and care community.  

Ongoing Coaching and Material support to maintain high quality

The Office of Early Childhood at the State of Colorado has issued ongoing funds to support eligible licensed child care facilities with Colorado Shines maintenance. 


The award is based on size of facility.


Eligibility Criteria

To participate in a Colorado Shines quality improvement program, each early care and learning program must minimally meet the following requirements:

  1. Hold a current, permanent child care license and in compliance with Head Start/Early Head Start regulations (where applicable).

  2. Enroll children prior to kindergarten entry and Colorado Shines eligible.

  3. Hold a Colorado Shines Level 2 or higher at the time of application.

  4. Apply for a Colorado Child Care Assistance Program fiscal agreement (active or pending) AND indicate acceptance of CCCAP on the Colorado Shines program profile.

  5. Submit an application for quality improvement and incentive supports within the Quality Improvement tab of the program profile within the program profile within the Colorado Shines Technology System.


Once awarded, a program must meet the following criteria in order to continue participation in a Colorado Shines quality improvement program:

  1. Execute and comply with the Quality Improvement Program Memorandum of Understanding.

  2. Maintain a Colorado Shines Level 2 or higher.  

  3. Meet Quality Improvement Plan requirements by including the results of the Colorado Shines Readiness Assessment or program results of a Level 3-5 onsite assessment into this plan.

  4. Maintain an application for a Colorado Child Care Assistance Program fiscal agreement (active or pending) AND indicate acceptance of CCCAP on the Colorado Shines program profile.

  5. Submit an application to be rated for Level 3-5 or attain an alternative pathway within an 18-month period and maintain a high quality Colorado Shines Level 3-5 rating.

How to submit application for more coaching and materials
  1. Log on to your Colorado Shines page.

  2. Review your application and hit submit again, just as you did the first time you applied for Colorado Shines funding.

  3. BECC will receive notification that you've applied and will send an MOU

  4. Sign the MOU

  5. BECC's Coach will be in contact with you to determine award funding and coaching hours


Questions? Call the BECC office at 303-460-6810 or

© 2020 Broomfield Early Childhood Council  |  303-903-9295 | PO Box 573  |  Broomfield, CO  |  80038  |


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